At after-school childcare, trained professionals or caregivers oversee students, offering homework assistance, engaging educational activities, and stimulating playtime. These programs often promote socialization, teamwork, and personal development through structured games, arts and crafts, sports, and other recreational pursuits.

The GENERATIONS after-school program includes Remedial Classes for students who may benefit from additional support, be it in a smaller group or in a one-on-one environment. These Remedial Classes are included in the school fee and so do not represent any extra cost for parents. In order to enrol in Remedial Classes, there needs to be a proposal from the homeroom or subject teacher to the management of School.

Students who are not proposed for Remedial Classes, but who wish to have additional support, have the choice to enrol in GENERATIONS Study Club, and benefit from teachers´ support after school.

GENERATIONS also offers the opportunity for students to remain in school, not just to study, but also to relax and strengthen their social ties with the school community, as this is also a fundamental part of their personal development.

For more information on all these options, kindly contact our administrative team.