GENERATIONS is the creation of two Macanese families and a extraordinary group of individuals who believed that, together, we could make a difference and add one more educational option to the high quality Macau educational landscape.

The two founding families, Alves and Jorge, are among the oldest families in Macau, going back over 400 years. Professionally, the founders have been references in law and architecture, with decades long contributions to the political and civil society in Macau.

In addition to a very close friendship and mutual respect, both families share many values, namely the importance of family – so much so that the school is named GENERATIONS – of hard work and entrepreneurship, of community service, of the love for our home, Macau. It was with all these principles in mind that our vision for GENERATIONS was developed.

With all three of us Founders having been educated abroad, we found it most appealing to create an international platform, preparing our students also for an international higher education experience.

Hence the focus and need to provide internationally acclaimed programmes such as Cambridge and IB. To complement this offering, the most adequate teaching methodology was necessary, and after an intense period of research and fact-finding, we came across the Finnish educational model which became an easy choice for us. We looked pragmatically at the Macau educational landscape, and asked ourselves what the sector could benefit from. We found that the high levels of stress and emotional pressure were hindering a balanced development of talented children and teenagers, and that is a battle worth fighting. And winning. So we set out to accomplish this without compromising the academic quality that Macau champions year after year in international rankings. One graph showing Finland gave us the answer: it feature high levels of academic competency coupled by high levels of happiness.

As GENERATIONS´ CEO I started my journey here with the utmost respect and admiration for Dr Leonel and my Dad. I see them, and their hearts, everywhere in the school, from the smallest detail of its fine architecture, to the values we are instilling. The team I was given the opportunity to choose honoured me by accepting this challenge and have been by my side since the beginning. As soon as school started, my life was forever changed by the young talents that bless me everyday with their curiosity, their humour and their laughter, resilience and endless affection which is absolutely mutual. It is for this community that I am committed, not only to always give my all, but to constantly test my limits to be better and achieve more, for them.